Total Drilling Solutions supplies many drilling tools to the construction drilling industry. We provide construction industry drilling tools and construction i...
With our highly experienced team, Total Drilling Solutions manufactures and provides a wide range of geotechnical and environmental drilling solutions. Our ded...
Exploration drilling allows geoscientists to conduct different studies of the rock and probe contents of valuable minerals for further mining developments. It ...
The objective of geotechnical drilling is to investigate and analyze geology and hydrogeology's aspects of a project like construction, water wells, soil sampl...
Unlike most of the renewable energy sources, geothermal does not depend on weather, wind or solar radiation. Rather, it is based on temperature differences bet...
Mining drilling is the first step in making a blast. Its purpose is to open cylindrical holes in the rock or mineral which are intended to house explosives and...
Oil and Gas drilling is probably one of the most demanding industries on the actual market. Only the best manufacturers can provide equipment, stay in the mark...
A form of exploration for petroleum and mining industries is seismic drilling where holes are drilled and blasts/shots are lowered into it. These blasts genera...